We require a $25 holding fee for your place. All processing is done by appointment.
You can call 949-400-4225 or email us at ranchhand@followthesheepwalk.com
See the full line up below and download the PDF
Shearing, sorting, scouring, carding, spinning, felting, knitting, weaving and more! We will talk about the basics of grading, choosing fibers for your fiber art and being mill ready. Mill-onomics is an important aspect of fiber farming and fiber gathering! We hope you will join us.
School Includes:
Thursday, 9 am - 4 pm: Meet 'n' Greet and Overview, Tour and Shearing Talk, Craft Gathering and Dinner
Friday, 9 am - 4 pm: Sorting, Skirting, Scouring, Mill vs Hand Processing, Basics of Grading, optional fleece show and tell, Dinner
Saturday, 9 am - 4 pm: Mill-onomics, Sheep Handling, Deconstructed Weaving, Knitting in Natural Color, Felting for Nature, Dinner
Sunday, 9 am - 1 pm: Composting vs. Mulching, Making Your Own Biochar, Final Q & A's, late lunch for those staying on one more night.
Cost for School -- $400, includes meals, supplies for fiber arts classes.
- $3-5 per pound for britch wool and "weaving and household" grade fibers
- $6-8 per pound for quality fleece for "wearable" grade fibers
- Price is made after weigh in and skirting. Payment follows.
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